Saturday 30 August 2008

Alabama Board Approves Plan To Charge State Employees For Obesity, Health Problems

The Alabama State Employees' Insurance Board last week approved a plan that will demand state employees who are obese or have health problems to make progress to address those issues or give a monthly charge for health insurance, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

Under the plan, state employees must undergo a health screening at no cost by January 2010 or give a $25 monthly consign for health insurance, which all workers currently welcome at no cost. In the event that the screenings find serious problems with blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose or obesity, state employees testament have one year to visit a physician at no price, enroll in a health program or take steps on their own to improve their health. In the event that reexamination screenings do not point progress, united States Department of State employees will have to begin to pay the monthly charge in January 2011. The board will consider state employees with a BMI of at least 35 obese. The board has not determined the quantity of advance that state employees will have to make to avoid the monthly charge.

According to William Ashmore, administrator director of the indemnity board, the plan will cost an estimated $1.6 zillion next year for screenings and health programs just likely will result in significant nest egg over the long term. Ashmore said that individuals with a body pile index of 35 to 39 account for $1,748 more in annual health guardianship costs than those with a normal BMI of less than 25.

Board member Robert Wagstaff said, "We ar trying to get individuals to turn more aware of their health." Mac McArthur -- executive manager of the Alabama State Employees Association, the union that represents state employees -- called the be after "positive," only workers criticized the plan as unfair (Rawls, AP/Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/24).

Summaries of deuce editorials around the plan appear below.

Miami Herald: The plan is a "bad approach to an confessedly worrisome problem," a Herald editorial states. "Yes, it is a good estimation to encourage employees to improve their health, grow in condition, be fit," the editorial states, adding, "However, being overweight -- even weighty -- is not necessarily linked to one's diet" and frequently is "more than about genes. The editorial states, "This is a situation where the cultivated carrot is punter than the stick" because a plan that offers rewards for "improvement creates positive incentives and good karma," adding, "Assessing a cash penalty for lack of melioration ... can make for, but at that place may non be wide buy-in of the concept." In addition, "many hoi polloi who ar of 'average' weight ar afflicted with the kind of medical issues ... typically associated with obesity," the editorial states. "If the concern is about poor health, why not focus on wellness issues rather of system of weights?" the editorial states (Miami Herald, 8/25).

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: The plan is "extreme," simply "is anyone really surprised?" a Democrat and Chronicle editorial states. The editorial adds, "With health care costs continuing to volute, it was just a matter of time before employers took out the hammer to achieve nest egg." According to the editorial, "this thomas Nelson Page would rather see incentives that reward healthy behaviors" because some "people are genetically predisposed" to obesity. However, the editorial concludes, "there is no denying that, when Alabama has a population that ranks only second to Mississippi in obesity, exceptional measures are necessary" (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 8/26).

Reprinted with tolerant permission from You tin can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for electronic mail delivery at http://www.kaisernetwork.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Low-Income, Minority Women Face Health Disparities In California, Report Finds

Low-income and minority women in California ar more likely to be in poor health, rotund and uninsured than whites and higher-income women, according to a University of California Center for Health Policy Research report released on Thursday, the Fresno Bee reports. The report, "Women's Health in California," is based on more than 50,000 telephone interviews conducted in 2001 and 2005.

The report constitute that:
Statewide, low-income Hispanic women are three times more than likely to be uninsured than whites;

Low-income women are four times more likely than higher-income women to be uninsured;

Low-income women 'tween ages 18 and 64 are troika times more likely than higher-income women to report that they are in fair to poor health;

Low-income women ar more potential to feature health conditions such as arthritis, high blood insistence, heart disease and diabetes, which bear on their quality of life, compared with higher-income women; and

More than 20% of low-income women statewide ar obese and 25.5% are corpulence.

Erin Peckham, a researcher at the center and author of the report, said, "People might want to do better with their health, but the lack of money, the lack of medical care and the lack of access in low-income neighborhoods to salubrious foods and safe physical activity are the things that low-income people in Fresno and the Valley areas face." She added, "Bottom line, if you're poor or a minority, you ar potentially in trouble health-wise. California needs to regenerate its efforts at seeking a root to our lack of health indemnity overall" (Anderson, Fresno Bee, 8/7).

The report is available online.

Reprinted with kind permission from hTTP:// You can view the full Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email obstetrical delivery at hypertext transfer protocol://www.kaisernetwork.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Comprehensive Treatment Of Extensively Drug-Resistant TB Works, Study Finds

�The dying sentence that too often accompanies a diagnosis of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) can be commuted if an personalized outpatient therapy program is followed - even in countries with limited resources and a heavy burden of TB.

A study conducted in Peru between 1999 and 2002 shows that more than 60 percent of XDR-TB patients not co-infected with HIV were healed after receiving the bulk of their personalized treatment at home or in community-based settings. The paper appears in the August 7, 2008 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

"It's essential that the world know that XDR-TB is not a expiry sentence," says lead source Carole Mitnick, instructor in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS). "As or even more significantly, our study shows that effective treatment does non require hospitalization or indefinite confinement of patients."

In some parts of the world, however, patients with XDR-TB and other drug-resistant forms of the disease are confined against their will in TB hospitals that resemble prisons, Mitnick adds.

Researchers from HMS, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Partners In Health, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute, along with Lima, Peru-based organizations Socios en Salud, the Peruvian Ministry of Health, and Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales, had already demonstrated that aggressive, outpatient treatment could cure multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), which is resistant to two first-line anti-TB drugs. That pilot film program has been adoptive as a national attempt by the Peruvian government activity.

A like protocol was used for the recent study of XDR-TB, which is caused by TB bacteria that are repellent not only to the same first-line anti-TB drugs, but likewise to the two most important second-line drug classes.

A number of 810 patients with unsuccessfully treated tuberculosis were referred for free personalised drug treatment and additional services as needed, including surgery, adverse-event management, and nutritional and psychological funding. Sputum civilisation and drug-susceptibility testing results, performed at the Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute in Boston, were available for 651 patients. Based on susceptibility results for 12 anti-TB drugs, clinicians developed regimens that included five-spot or more drugs to which the infecting strains were potential to respond. Forty-eight patients had XDR-TB; 603 had MDR-TB. None of the XDR-TB patients were co-infected with the HIV virus.

At the end of treatment, 60.4 pct in the XDR-TB radical were vulcanized; 66.3 percent with MDR-TB were cured. The outcomes among XDR-TB patients were bettor than about reported from hospital settings in Europe, the U.S., and Korea, Mitnick says.

Frequent contact with healthcare workers afforded many benefits and was an important element of success. Daily, supervised treatment was delivered in patient homes and at biotic community health centers. The community health workers ensured a high point of treatment adherence and promptly detected circumstances requiring additional attention, including contrary events. Psycho-social needs were also assessed continuously and addressed through a range of interventions.

"It's authoritative for people to infer that this ambulatory form of treatment exists, is successful, and can be widely enforced in resource-poor settings," Mitnick says.

Community-based interventions as well protect infirmary patients and staff from transmission of TB and allow TB patients to remain with their families during this protracted treatment. If hospitals have to accommodate only those with serious aesculapian needs, this intervention tush be enforced widely, and earlier in the disease course.

The benefits would be profound, Mitnick says. In addition to reduced morbidity and mortality among patients, an epidemiologic impact could be expected: a decrease in the incidence of immune TB has been reported only in places where universal showing and treatment for DR-TB are offered at first TB diagnosing.

"DR-TB is everywhere in the mankind it's been looked for and it's not going away without additional resources," Mitnick says. According to a posting issued by the World Health Organization this year, ever since it was first described in 2006, XDR-TB has been reported in 49 countries, including the United States. Approximately 1.5 million people are estimated to have MDR-TB, "just no one really knows how many have XDR-TB." Expanded community-based delivery of improved handling is essential to stem this epidemic.

This study was funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Additional collaborators in the delivery of concern included the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Task Force for Child Survival and Development.

"Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive Treatment"

Harvard Medical School: Carole D. Mitnick, Hamish S.F. Fraser, Mercedes C. Becerra; Brigham And Women's Hospital: Sonya S. Shin, Sidney S. Atwood, Jennifer J. Furin, Garrett M. Fitzmaurice, Rocio M. Hurtado; Partners In Health: Kwonjune J. Seung, Michael L. Rich, Sharon Choi, Darius Jazayeri, Keith Joseph, Joia S. Mukherjee; Harvard School Of Public Health: Sasha C. Appleton, Molly F. Franke; Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute: Alexander Sloutsky; Socios En Salud: Felix A. Alcantara Viru, Katiuska Chalco, Dalia Guerra, Karim Llaro, Lorena Mestanza, Maribel Munoz, Eda Palacios, Jaime N. Bayona; Peruvian Ministry Of Health: Cesar A. Bonilla; Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales: Epifanio Sanchez.

The New England Journal of Medicine, August 7, 2008

Harvard Medical School

More information

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Elysian Fields

Elysian Fields   
Artist: Elysian Fields



Bum Raps and Love Taps   
 Bum Raps and Love Taps

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 9

With their self-titled debut EP, Elysian Fields offered a sort of noir tilt, the staid chanteuse vocals of Jennifer Charles quickly invocation park comparisons to Margot Timmons (Rodeo rider Junkies) and Hope Sandoval (Mazzy Star). The euphony is neither as mainstream as Cowboy Junkies nor as doom-obsessed as Mazzy Star, with cameos by famous New York downtown music mavens John Lurie and Marc Ribot. The band's soph album Bleed Your Cedar was produced by Steve Albini, merely during this time the band's originative throws began its downward spiral. The label criticized them for sounding overly dark and harsh, forcing Elysian Fields to break up ties with Radioactive in 2000. Charles and Oren Bloedow signed with Jet Set (distributed by Caroline) to way out Poove of the Meadow later that year.

Vatican Bars Use Of Churches For Filming

Sunday 22 June 2008

Saturday 14 June 2008

Britney Spears Shops For Burial Plot

Britney Spears has been looking to splash her dwindling fortune on a burial plot, according to a new report.

The singer reportedly became bored during a screening of Mick Jagger film Performance at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Sunday and so decided to take in some of the sights.

Insiders say that the inspiration behind her morbid shopping spree is a recently-acquired fascination in the life and death of Marilyn Monroe.
“Britney is fascinated with Marilyn and visits her grave often," a source tells the Daily Star.
"Since she’s been getting her life together she’s been reading about the star and recently has been glued to a book about the actress.

“She’s fascinated that Marilyn asked her favourite make-up artist to make her look beautiful after she died and picked her own burial plot.
“So when Britney saw Rudolph Valentino’s grave at the cemetery she shrieked and said she wanted one.

“She told her aides: ‘I ’m going to live for ever so I want to be brought to the Forever Cemetery when I’m 101.’”

This being Britney, the graveyard jaunt wasn't without incident – she was reportedly spotted by fans who gave chase through the cemetery.

Monday 9 June 2008

Fascinating Fact 5353

A sequel to 2008 hit THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL has been announced at the Cannes Film Festival in France. THE BOLEYN INHERITANCE, based on another of author Philippa Gregory's novels, will be written by screenwriter Andrew Davies.

See Also

Sunday 25 May 2008

The Suspects

The Suspects   
Artist: The Suspects

Rock: Punk-Rock


99 Paid   
 99 Paid

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 13


Terminator - Common Lands Terminator Role

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Fergie's mother denies pregnancy reports

Fergie's mother denies pregnancy reports

Singer Fergie's mother has denied media conjecture that her girl is pregnant.
Speech production on Ryan Seacrest's wireless show on KIIS FM, Terri Ferguson responded to the baby rumours by locution: "Nope, not at whole."
Fergie's mother then added: "Did you see her at the Grammys?", describing her 32-year-old girl as "skinny, skinny, skinny".
Holocene epoch media reports suggested that the singer, real name Stacy Ferguson, had decided to change her marriage appointment.
Yet, Terri Ferguson dismissed these reports, locution: "We are not moving up the wedding party."
"I think citizenry can't believe citizenry do get married simply because they dearest apiece other, not because they are pregnant," she said.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Jon Secada

Jon Secada   
Artist: Jon Secada

   R&B: Soul


Window To My Heart (George Acosta Remixes) CDM   
 Window To My Heart (George Acosta Remixes) CDM

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 5

Same Dream   
 Same Dream

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 13

The Greatest Hits   
 The Greatest Hits

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 13

Grandes Exitos   
 Grandes Exitos

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 12

Heart Soul and A Voice   
 Heart Soul and A Voice

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 13

Otro Dia Mas Sin Verte   
 Otro Dia Mas Sin Verte

   Year: 1992   
Tracks: 10


Tracks: 11

Jon Secada (he legally changed his first name from Juan in 1990) immigrated to the U.S. at the historic period of lodge in 1971, subsidence in Miami where his parents opened a java shop. He earned both a B.A. and a M.A. in nothingness vocal performance at the University of Miami. Becoming byzantine with Gloria Estefan's life history, he co-wrote sestet songs on her multi-platinum 1991 record album Into the Light, among them the number unity rack up "Approaching come out of the closet of the Dark," and american panax schinseng rest vocals on her subsequent tour. Then he signed to SBK Records and launched his have calling with a self-titled debut record in 1992. With only one album, he became ane of the biggest adult modern-day creative person of the '90s, marketing completely over hexad gazillion albums planetary. His smooth meld of R&B, bolt down, and Latin music appealed to a number of different audiences. As well as seemly a vast English language pop star, he became 1 of the hottest Latin artists transcription in the '90s; Otro Día Más Sin Verte (a Spanish-language adaptation of Jon Secada) was Billboard's number one Latin album in 1992 and won a Grammy for Charles Herbert Best Latin Come out Album. His second base power train English album, Mettle, Soulfulness & a Voice (1994), sold o'er a zillion copies. Amor (1995), his bit Spanish-language album, won him another Grammy. Secada (1997) was a commercial message disappointment, and the utterer touched to Sony Music's Epos Records where his commencement duties including spell of authorship songs for labelmates Ricky Mary Martin and Jennifer Lopez. In July of 2000, Epic poem released his label debut, Wagerer Share of Me.

Saturday 26 April 2008

Re-attuning the ears

Re-attuning the ears

In Germany, he is often referred to as “Professor Helmut Lachenmann.” He is 73, lanky, bearded. A scholar of Luigi Nono and Karlheinz Stockhausen, he is perchance the first representative of the second-generation European new wave.

His intellect ties ar with the old Frankfurt on the Main School and the cantankerous philosopher Theodor Adorno. His idiosyncratic music, which explores sound, is not, in The States, in fashion and is little known here. A rare holocene appearing by Lachenmann at an evenly rare computer programme of his grating, challenging, the-status-is-never-quo euphony in the Boastfully Orchard apple tree did not attract attending.

This week, Mon Evening Concerts devoted its evening to Lachenmann. Visiting Los Angeles for the number one clip, he was on hand as piano player. An ensemble of loretta Young musicians repeated its functioning of a major work from 1984 that made so few waves at its New House of York concert. Trey members of a second group, the Corps de ballet Recherche, flew in from Federal Republic of Germany to act actually difficult music written 20 years ago.

The concert was a sensation. Vacate seating area were hard to detect at the Colburn School's Zip fastener Concert Manor hall. A buzz was in the atmosphere. Members of the L.A. music elite, including composers from the academician and film worlds, were on helping hand. The audience stood and applauded lustily. More than at one time.

Lachenmann's situation is a curious unity. He stiff devoted to making music in fresh ways at a time when what is new is said to have become old. Many of his pet techniques -- the rasp of bows against the bridge of a fiddle or violoncello, the tapping on the tops of clarinets with their mouthpieces removed, the clicking of flute keys, the blowing of wind instruments into a pianissimo to spend a penny the strings resonate -- ar things the vanguard has been up to for decades.

What Lachenmann brings to the experimental table is a captivating sense of quest. He achieves an unusually sharp stress. He operates simply at the boundary of tradition. The result is music that sounds remarkably newly, that is quite mysterious however pronto engages the ear.

Monday's concert was an take a chance. It began with child steps. Lachenmann performed his early (1963) "Wiegenmusik" (Cradle Music), which feels more care fragments of sound than the real matter, as a prelude to "Ein Kinderspiel" (Child's Play), written as musical games for his children in 1980. For wholly his sincerity, Lachenmann has a terrific signified of fun. The English interlingual rendition of unity movement of "Child's Bet" is "Fake Chinese (slenderly drunk)." He obsesses on such nonsense as tripping down the scale or acquiring hung up on a repeated chord patch flirt with its demise resonances.

"Mouvement ( -- vor der Erstarrung)," or "Movement ( -- Ahead Paralysis)," was played by the Argento Chamber Ensemble conducted by Michel Galante. This was the work in 1984 that contributed to Lachenmann's international recognition as non just an earnest avant-gardist doing funny things to instruments merely a visionary wHO position totally those funny story things together with brilliant dramatic conviction.

The ensemble is a strange one: Clarinets, violins and pleximetry come in threes; flutes, trumpets, violas and cellos ar in pairs; the bass is the only bingle. Everyone does something unusual, and a sort of sonic jungle is evoked, the sounds resembling animals and nature communication in languages you don't see merely still realise ar languages.

"Allegro Sostenuto," which was the big ferment later interruption, is for clarinet, cello and pianoforte, and it received a gripping performance from Shizuyo Oka, Asa Akerberg and Jean-Pierre Collot. The composer describes the work as containing six sections that

Thursday 24 April 2008

Superheroes go back to work

Superheroes go back to work

Comic-book-hero motion picture ship's company Marvel Studios has reached an meantime agreement with the Writers Order of America, enabling impinging Hollywood writers to go back to turn on their projects.
For Marvel, it agency that form throne sum up on 'Ant Man', 'Captain America', 'Thor' and 'The Avengers'.
'Hulk' and 'Iron Man' were already in production and were non affected by the strike; they are go down for release after this year.
Plastic film and video studio Lionsgate, Hollywood's biggest indie producers, has likewise reached an lag agreement with the society.
Upcoming Lionsgate films include 'Rambo', 'The Eye' and 'Saw 5', while its goggle box series include 'Weeds', 'Mad Men' and a freshly evidence, 'Fear Itself'.
"The writers' outlet seems on its way to being solved, and Lionsgate felt it was an important time, particularly in view of our TV serial publication, to deliver our writer partners get endorse to work," Lionsgate said in a command.
"We look forward to a broad industry agreement presently," said a company instance.
Writers already induce reached interim deals with studios including United Artists, the plastic film production firm backed by Tom turkey Cruise and The Weinstein Co, pass by media-mogul brothers William Harvey and Bobtail Weinstein.
Writers and producers resumed talks this week, aimed at ending a nearly three-month strike that has stopped most prime time video production and about promise smaller deals will put pressure on the big studios.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Lil' Wayne, singer/songwriter Sean Garrett aka The Pen & rising ing�nue Teyana Taylor to headline event April 24 at Luckie Lounge

Lil' Wayne, singer/songwriter Sean Garrett aka The Pen & rising ing�nue Teyana Taylor to headline event April 24 at Luckie Lounge

U.S. playing right organization BMI will present its 11th Annual Unsigned Urban Show window Thursday, Apr 24, featuring close to of the recording industry's eminent stars and most promising unsigned talent. Held Th, Apr 24 at Atlanta's Luckie Sofa (375 Luckie Street), the case begins at 9 p.m.; doors open at 8 p.m. The festivities ar open up to the world; attendees must be 21-years-old with valid designation. Admission charge is $20.00 until 10 p.m.
Headliners for the highly-anticipated night of music are Johnny Cash Money/Universal Records star Lil' Wayne; hit-making wordsmith Sean Garrett, aka The Playpen; and Star Trak/Interscope buzz recording creative person Teyana Taylor, world Health Organization volition apiece get their respective high-energy sounds.
Hopefuls from across the land vied for a chance to display their natural endowment in figurehead of Atlanta's influential, superstar-spotting euphony residential district, and the display case finalists were chosen by a radical of teetotum BMI songwriters, producers and industry executives from over 300 submissions. The contenders include southern-bred MC Jarren Benton (Capital of Georgia); r&b balladeer Brandon Hines (New House of York); genre transformers Charles Hardin Holley Weerd (Atlanta); and East Point in time rapper Trimm (Atlanta).
The night provides a unique chance for Body mass index affiliates to showcase before a room of industriousness professionals. The final little Joe volition do for a panel of celebrity book of Judges including producer Don Vito (Jermaine Dupri, Yung Joc); Universal Music Publication Vice President Abyssinia Habtemariam; producer DJ Toomp (Kanye West, Ludacris, Rick Sir James Clark Ross); manufacturer DJ Montay ("Low," Flo Rida effort. T-Pain); entertainment attorney Thomas Reid Hunter; Chrysalis Medicine Frailty Prexy Val Patton; amusement lawyer Sandra Brown; producer No I.D. (DMX, Janet Thomas J. Jackson, Jay-Z); The Clutch songwriters J. Que (Ciara, Omarion, Usher) and Book of Ezekiel "Zeke" Sinclair Lewis (Madonna J. Blige, Omarion, Jennifer Lopez); singer/songwriter Keri Hilson (member of creative beehive The Clutch and solo artist signed to Timbaland & Polow da Don's tag Mosley Music Group/Zone 4/Interscope Records); producer Teddy Bishop (LeToya, Usher, Aaliyah); Chiliad Bustle about producer Lil C "C Gutta" (TI, Whitney Young Jeezy, Brigham Young Dro); life style specialist K
enny Nathan Birnbaum (Kenny George Burns Show) and Bad Boy Director of A&R and songwriter/producer Slam (Diddy, Keyshia Cole, Christina Aguilera).
Body mass index will too present the Legends of Atlanta Awarding to a community drawing card, recognizing his or her contributions to the Battle of Atlanta music vista. Past tense recipients of the prestigious accolade include Big Oomp and Organized Noize.

Edith Piaf

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Director linked to new Cruise film

Director linked to new Cruise film

'The Kingdom' and 'Friday Nox Lights' managing director Putz Iceberg has been linked to a freshly plastic film which is beingness planned as a starring vehicle for Uncle Tom Cruise.
Entertainment Weekly reports that Columbia Pictures is keen to have Berg behind the lens for the snoop play, Edwin A Salt, which the studio wants in production by Mar.
The film tells the level of a CIA military officer wHO is accused of being a Russian sleeper sight and must go on the run in his call to examine his innocence.
Iceberg has in time to begin negotiations with Columbia Pictures.

Black Milk

Garraway denies affair with dance partner

Garraway denies affair with dance partner

TV presenter Kate Garraway has said she and her married man are as in love as always, dismissing allegations around her relationship with her 'Strictly Come Dancing' partner Anton Du Beke.
In a statement released by her solicitors, Garraway, wHO is married to psychotherapist Derek Draper, said she had been "highly hurt" by allegations in a William Ashley Sunday newspaper.
She said: "Opposite to these insinuations Derek and I ar as fold, happy and in love today as we have of all time been.
She continued: "The plain stitch accuracy is that Anton and I became friends during 'Strictly Come Dancing'."
"Since then we often work and hang out together. For that to be twisted into something else is sad, hurtful and altogether untrue."
The 'GMTV' presenter added: "I am extremely perturbation and hurt by the allegations. I made it clear before publishing that thither was no the true to them whatsoever.
"Presumption they were published in any event and keep to be published, I feel I have no option merely to take libel proceedings against the paper to set the track record straightaway."

A New Age In Relaxation

A New Age In Relaxation   
Artist: A New Age In Relaxation

New Age


The Eternal Dream   
 The Eternal Dream

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 6


National Student Music Awards details revealed

National Student Music Awards details revealed

Inside information of this year's Subject Pupil Music Awards have been announced, with trey regional heats set to bring position in March.
The awards, which have been antecedently north Korean won by Delorentos, provide Third base Storey pupil musicians the opportunity to execute in front members of the Irish whiskey Music Industry including journalists, broadcasters, A&R personnel, agents and bookers.
A venire of industry experts testament pluck 12 of the best bands to perform at trio heats round the country.
Quatern selected entrants will contend at from each one of the tercet regional heats which use up piazza in UCD, Irish capital (6 March); NUIG, Galway (13 March) and Cyprus Avenue, Phellem (19 Master of Architecture).
The overall final will rent place in The Small town, Capital of Ireland on 24 Apr.
The trophy up for grabs includes recording time, a cash award, CD duplication, rehearsal time, a media interview, interview with a music attorney and a picture taking session.
Mop up date for entries is 12 Feb and entry is open up to any act that has at least one member in full-time Third base Level breeding in Hibernia.
Demos should be sent to National Student Music Awards, Suite 49, 184 Lower Rathmines Road, Irish capital 6.


Baby joy for Sex and the City star

Baby joy for Sex and the City star

'Sex and the City' headliner Chris Noth is celebrating the birth of his first tike, a baby male child, with his long-term girlfriend.
Tara Thomas Woodrow Wilson gave birth to 3.5kg Hunter Christopher Noth in Los Angeles on Friday.
A interpreter told "I am happy to confirm that Chris Noth and Tara Edmund Wilson are the proud parents of a happy and healthy child male child. Chris and Tara are thrilled and entirely ar doing well."
53-year-old Noth, wHO plays Mr Large in the strike show, met the mother of his newborn while workings at his Fresh House of York bar, The Cut Room.
They ar due to lead together in the fresh picture 'Frame of Mind'.

Goa Gill