Wednesday 20 August 2008

Low-Income, Minority Women Face Health Disparities In California, Report Finds

Low-income and minority women in California ar more likely to be in poor health, rotund and uninsured than whites and higher-income women, according to a University of California Center for Health Policy Research report released on Thursday, the Fresno Bee reports. The report, "Women's Health in California," is based on more than 50,000 telephone interviews conducted in 2001 and 2005.

The report constitute that:
Statewide, low-income Hispanic women are three times more than likely to be uninsured than whites;

Low-income women are four times more likely than higher-income women to be uninsured;

Low-income women 'tween ages 18 and 64 are troika times more likely than higher-income women to report that they are in fair to poor health;

Low-income women ar more potential to feature health conditions such as arthritis, high blood insistence, heart disease and diabetes, which bear on their quality of life, compared with higher-income women; and

More than 20% of low-income women statewide ar obese and 25.5% are corpulence.

Erin Peckham, a researcher at the center and author of the report, said, "People might want to do better with their health, but the lack of money, the lack of medical care and the lack of access in low-income neighborhoods to salubrious foods and safe physical activity are the things that low-income people in Fresno and the Valley areas face." She added, "Bottom line, if you're poor or a minority, you ar potentially in trouble health-wise. California needs to regenerate its efforts at seeking a root to our lack of health indemnity overall" (Anderson, Fresno Bee, 8/7).

The report is available online.

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