Sunday 10 August 2008

Comprehensive Treatment Of Extensively Drug-Resistant TB Works, Study Finds

�The dying sentence that too often accompanies a diagnosis of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) can be commuted if an personalized outpatient therapy program is followed - even in countries with limited resources and a heavy burden of TB.

A study conducted in Peru between 1999 and 2002 shows that more than 60 percent of XDR-TB patients not co-infected with HIV were healed after receiving the bulk of their personalized treatment at home or in community-based settings. The paper appears in the August 7, 2008 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

"It's essential that the world know that XDR-TB is not a expiry sentence," says lead source Carole Mitnick, instructor in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS). "As or even more significantly, our study shows that effective treatment does non require hospitalization or indefinite confinement of patients."

In some parts of the world, however, patients with XDR-TB and other drug-resistant forms of the disease are confined against their will in TB hospitals that resemble prisons, Mitnick adds.

Researchers from HMS, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Partners In Health, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute, along with Lima, Peru-based organizations Socios en Salud, the Peruvian Ministry of Health, and Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales, had already demonstrated that aggressive, outpatient treatment could cure multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), which is resistant to two first-line anti-TB drugs. That pilot film program has been adoptive as a national attempt by the Peruvian government activity.

A like protocol was used for the recent study of XDR-TB, which is caused by TB bacteria that are repellent not only to the same first-line anti-TB drugs, but likewise to the two most important second-line drug classes.

A number of 810 patients with unsuccessfully treated tuberculosis were referred for free personalised drug treatment and additional services as needed, including surgery, adverse-event management, and nutritional and psychological funding. Sputum civilisation and drug-susceptibility testing results, performed at the Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute in Boston, were available for 651 patients. Based on susceptibility results for 12 anti-TB drugs, clinicians developed regimens that included five-spot or more drugs to which the infecting strains were potential to respond. Forty-eight patients had XDR-TB; 603 had MDR-TB. None of the XDR-TB patients were co-infected with the HIV virus.

At the end of treatment, 60.4 pct in the XDR-TB radical were vulcanized; 66.3 percent with MDR-TB were cured. The outcomes among XDR-TB patients were bettor than about reported from hospital settings in Europe, the U.S., and Korea, Mitnick says.

Frequent contact with healthcare workers afforded many benefits and was an important element of success. Daily, supervised treatment was delivered in patient homes and at biotic community health centers. The community health workers ensured a high point of treatment adherence and promptly detected circumstances requiring additional attention, including contrary events. Psycho-social needs were also assessed continuously and addressed through a range of interventions.

"It's authoritative for people to infer that this ambulatory form of treatment exists, is successful, and can be widely enforced in resource-poor settings," Mitnick says.

Community-based interventions as well protect infirmary patients and staff from transmission of TB and allow TB patients to remain with their families during this protracted treatment. If hospitals have to accommodate only those with serious aesculapian needs, this intervention tush be enforced widely, and earlier in the disease course.

The benefits would be profound, Mitnick says. In addition to reduced morbidity and mortality among patients, an epidemiologic impact could be expected: a decrease in the incidence of immune TB has been reported only in places where universal showing and treatment for DR-TB are offered at first TB diagnosing.

"DR-TB is everywhere in the mankind it's been looked for and it's not going away without additional resources," Mitnick says. According to a posting issued by the World Health Organization this year, ever since it was first described in 2006, XDR-TB has been reported in 49 countries, including the United States. Approximately 1.5 million people are estimated to have MDR-TB, "just no one really knows how many have XDR-TB." Expanded community-based delivery of improved handling is essential to stem this epidemic.

This study was funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Additional collaborators in the delivery of concern included the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Task Force for Child Survival and Development.

"Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive Treatment"

Harvard Medical School: Carole D. Mitnick, Hamish S.F. Fraser, Mercedes C. Becerra; Brigham And Women's Hospital: Sonya S. Shin, Sidney S. Atwood, Jennifer J. Furin, Garrett M. Fitzmaurice, Rocio M. Hurtado; Partners In Health: Kwonjune J. Seung, Michael L. Rich, Sharon Choi, Darius Jazayeri, Keith Joseph, Joia S. Mukherjee; Harvard School Of Public Health: Sasha C. Appleton, Molly F. Franke; Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute: Alexander Sloutsky; Socios En Salud: Felix A. Alcantara Viru, Katiuska Chalco, Dalia Guerra, Karim Llaro, Lorena Mestanza, Maribel Munoz, Eda Palacios, Jaime N. Bayona; Peruvian Ministry Of Health: Cesar A. Bonilla; Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales: Epifanio Sanchez.

The New England Journal of Medicine, August 7, 2008

Harvard Medical School

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