Wednesday 16 April 2008

Garraway denies affair with dance partner

Garraway denies affair with dance partner

TV presenter Kate Garraway has said she and her married man are as in love as always, dismissing allegations around her relationship with her 'Strictly Come Dancing' partner Anton Du Beke.
In a statement released by her solicitors, Garraway, wHO is married to psychotherapist Derek Draper, said she had been "highly hurt" by allegations in a William Ashley Sunday newspaper.
She said: "Opposite to these insinuations Derek and I ar as fold, happy and in love today as we have of all time been.
She continued: "The plain stitch accuracy is that Anton and I became friends during 'Strictly Come Dancing'."
"Since then we often work and hang out together. For that to be twisted into something else is sad, hurtful and altogether untrue."
The 'GMTV' presenter added: "I am extremely perturbation and hurt by the allegations. I made it clear before publishing that thither was no the true to them whatsoever.
"Presumption they were published in any event and keep to be published, I feel I have no option merely to take libel proceedings against the paper to set the track record straightaway."